Life is! And it continues to happen while we are busy making
other plans. I spent nowhere near the amount of time I had hoped to, working on
Oma's book this winter. But the weeks I was able to dedicate to the task were as special as ever.
Now the anniversary of her departure has rolled around again and I am marking it
by writing, even if only for a few days.
Tonight I found myself in Oma's library where I discovered
this poem she wrote long ago. Oma gave it to her youngest daughter Birgit for
her wedding. I have done my
best to translate it but of course its best read in German. Enjoy.
Schau her !!
Da steht es geschrieben:
"Des Menschen Wuerde ist in
Deine Hand gegeben
Mensh – bewahr sie mir!"
Nun, was erwartet der Liebe Gott von dir
Du, Geschoepf von seiner Hand?
Er schrieb es an die Wand
An den Himmel und in das Meer
Die Voeglein singen, die Blumen duften
Die Wellen tanzen es und es fluestert der wind:
“Gott ist die Liebe und Du
bist sein Kind”
Was willst Du mehr um die Wuerde zu tragen
Wie eine Krone aus himmlischen Tagen.
Look here!!
It is written for all to see:
"The honor of humankind has
been placed in your hands
Human, preserve it for me!"
Now what does God expect from you
you, a creation of his hand?
He wrote it in the sand,
against the sky, and into the sea.
The bird’s song, the flower’s scent
The dancing waves, and the whisper of the wild:
“God is Love and you are his
What more can you ask to carry this honor,
Than a crown made of heavenly days.
Margarete Teuwen
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