Editors Note: This is a collection of e-mails and other well wishes that have been received since Oma made her transition complete. We have posted them here so that the Love that was Oma's life can continue to manifest. The greetings are
listed more or less in the order received. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, You are in my prayers, all of you, and I am with you in spirit. It is beautiful for me to be able to take part in this process of dying, via your frequent updates. Oma is in good hands. What an incredible Gift you are giving your mother. Being a mother myself, gosh, to die in the care of my child(ren) would be a dream come true in itself. How many adult children take the time to see their parent(s) off? Blessings - Sonja -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was this glad morning that her life was over, she flew away. To a home on God's celestial shore, she flew away. Early this morning... when she died, Hallelujah, by and by, she flew away. The shadows of this life had grown, oh, she flew away, Like a bird from prison bars has flown, she flew away. No more weary days... she flew away, To a land where joys shall never end, she flew away! Laura -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Family Mit so viel Liebe und Herz wie es uns möglich ist sind Wir mit Euch und der lieben Seele von der lieben Margarete-Oma. in liebe eure Eleonore, Will, Christel, Heidi, Günther, Tamara ------- .....habe soeben von Paul erfahren, dass Gretel gestorben ist. Er sagte dass du ihm heute Mittag angerufen hast und sehr erleichtert geklungen hast. Es ist schön, dass Gretel nun dort ist wo sie schon seit längerer Zeit hin wollte. Jetzt trifft sie alle ihre Lieben und sie können dann von dort nach uns sehen, sich über uns freuen oder auch ärgern und auch ein wenig auf uns aufpassen. Ich bin in Gedanken bei euch und drücke euch alle ganz fest. Grüße bitte alle von mir. In Liebe Michael -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My dear Laura, I wonder what the next part of Oma’s journey might reveal. Hmmm! I hold you and Thomas in my heart with deep affection. Lovingly, Louise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Laura, Thank you for this beautiful email telling me Oma has flown away. My thoughts and love are with you and your family. Please say if there is anything I can do for you. You know I will if I can. With much love from Sue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for the message. What a beautiful song to celebrate Oma's passing. I am attaching loving thoughts with this email... please share them with Thomas. Rafe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Laura, Your message came in, after I had sent you mine. What a blessing and a struggle, valiantly fought. It hasn't been an easy 6 months or so, for you and Thomas. But what you have done for her, will always be in your hearts, with those memories. Our blessings to you both. Love from Gay & Bill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Judy called and sends lots of love your way! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spoke with Deanna this morning and she sends lots of love and light for Oma and you all! She was excited and happy for Oma to have flown and now be in peace and happiness and new adventures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Laura, Oma’s family has demonstrated such love and such care. Although I did not ever meet her, when I thought of you and your family I thought about the breadth and depth of love and of the many ways there are to show it and to experience it. Thank you for sending and re-sending this message. You will be in my thoughts in the coming days. Pat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Laura. Thank you for letting me know. You still have our love, thoughts and prayers. When you are able let me know how you are. With love, Karen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usually it's considered insensitive to say that it's a good thing when someone passes away, but perhaps in this case, it is good. Still tough for those left behind, mind you. All the best to Thomas. Will you be going over? Annemarie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Laura...Our thoughts are with you and Thomas at this time . Sadness at the loss of a Mother, but happiness that her suffering has ended, and she is on another journey, sent off with those she loved , and who loved her at her side. Whelda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Laura, what a refreshing poem. I loved it. I guess you’ll think of Oma each time you sing it in choir. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Thomas. Love Tally xo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dearest Thomas, Thank you so much for your kind call today. Tonight, I finally found Oma's web site and followed your directions and found all of your wonderful words and thoughts you have all been feeling during this incredible journey. It was a great comfort tonight to read of your journey. Thank you so much for putting it into words and sharing with us. I am one of the many people that have been blessed by knowing Oma in THIS life stream and I expect to see her again one day at my going away party! All my love to you, Laura and the family, sleep well tonight; perhaps we have a name for that star right out side Oma's window. I have always wished for Oma to have a gentle journey and that her spirit would shine bright as a guide for us to see. I will look for that star and I will always think of it as OUR Oma Star. With my arms around you, love and peace, Penny and Don -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas: Thanks for the word. Our thoughts will follow shortly. I have a great respect for and a deep admiration of your care and compassion demonstrated in your recent life here on San Juan Island with Oma. I will let Mother know when the time seems right. Oma's visits with Mother were classic highlights of Mother's time here with me. Our thoughts are with you, Laura and your family. Arthur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Lo and Tom and your extended family: Our deepest sympathies to you, may it comfort you to know that others share in your sorrow. Oma's life was well celebrated by all. Sincere wishes from Nancy and family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Laura and Tom, We got your message last night telling us that Oma had left this world. Your message was beautiful Laura and the Title I'll Fly Away was so appropriate and I would love to hear the music to this song. I know that you are not sad because you have been preparing for this for quite a long time, and it was time for her to go. Life goes on doesn't it and we have no control over when our time will come. I still feel sad even though I never met Oma . I just wanted you both to know that we are thinking of you and send our love . Love Aunt Bernice and Uncle George. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Laura, Thomas and family: We just returned from our holiday and I somehow knew Oma had flown....I checked my email immediately and when I saw it I mentioned to Tom that it was the message I was expecting to find. I trust her flight was peaceful and her departure from her family glorious. Another star in paradise to strengthen the love and energy of the universe. My thoughts and love are certainly with you all and if there is anything I can do to help you with this transitional time, please let me know. Much love, Sandi and Tom Burchill. On a more selfish note, I wish I had known Oma better....maybe one day our Heaven's will meet and I'll have the opportunity... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Laura and Thomas, I just wanted to share this amazing photography with you and to let you know that I am so pleased for Oma that she has found her peace at last. What a relief for you, Thomas and his sisters. She had amazing strength and wasn't about to be rushed along until she was darn good and ready. Thomas, you have been such a devoted son. What a gift you gave your Mother and yourself to have taken the opportunity and time to share this journey with her. What a selfless act of love, courage and commitment. Thomas, I understand from Laura that you have been journaling during this time. Perhaps some day you might feel comfortable publishing it. What a gift and an inspiration to those of us that may some day take the opportunity share this journey with a loved one. One day when things have settled down for the two of you I would love to share a bottle of wine with you. Love Cheryl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Thomas... OMA will be missed by many...especially by John...Saci...and myself. We are so blessed to have known her...not just for having been our healing angel...but for the precious small amount of time we were able to spend with her. For several years...the high point of our week...was our visit to OMA. We felt honored to be invited to her birthday parties...and thankful for the few personal visits with Oma and you. Even though we will not be here physically...know that we will be with OMA and you...on April 15th...for OMA's last birthday party.. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help...and know that OMA has a special place in our hearts. with love...Annette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear, Dear Thomas, Thank you, thank you, and thank you, for keeping all of us that so loved OMa aware of her beautiful journey Home. Blessed are you, Laura, and your family for the loving care you gave her. We are so blessed and expanded to have been in the presence of LOVE. My heart was uplifted upon reading about her transition. Oma has uplifted so much from and on this earth. Blessed be, our Angel is free. I thank you.... My love, and grace and gratitude, Leonie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dearest Thomas, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Thomas, Dear Thomas, Oma has occupied my thoughts and prayers many times over these past few days. I've sensed her time had come. You have such a peaceful loving way about you - your presence with Oma certainly brought her peace and comfort. I am thanking GOD for bringing her home - now our saint who walked with us is now an angel watching over us. I feel her presence. Thomas, my prayers are with you and all your family as you walk through this time of transition. I pray for each of you rest, peace, joy and love. May Oma be resting and celebrating with her loving father - the same one who brought her so many angels and miracles through her incredible life. Thomas I send my love - and look forward to hearing about April 24th - Maddie and I would like to be there. You are a wonderful son and you are all such wonderful children. It is beautiful to see the outpouring of love and care that is your family. Gods love be with all of you ~ Gods peace on the wings of a dove to dear OMA ~ Cammie and Madeline Grace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Thomas and Family, My thoughts and my love is with you all. The evening of the night Oma passed away I listened to a PBS special with Andre Rieu......how synchinistic !!! She will be always part of our lives and be in our hearts forever until we meet again. Love and Light to you all -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Thomas, On one hand I am happy for Oma, as she returns home. However, a selfish part in me feels the loss of her presence and embodiment in this world. I wish you and your family peace and love. I am forever greatful to you for connecting me with Oma. She will always have a place in my heart and soul, as she did even before we met. Much love and light, Kristina I love you Oma!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Thomas. Thank you for letting us know about Oma. We are happy to hear that she made the transition to the other side smoothly and as you said, she has returned home. It was an honor and a pleasure to have known her. She was a beautiful human being. Our love to you and your family. We would like to attend her memorial celebration on April 24th. Christian and Lea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many blessing to you and to Oma’s freed spirit. I am saddened that I never came by to say farewell. When I think of you both which has been often it’s with a sense of love and acceptance that has given me strength over the years. I’m on a journey with my parents and pray for the joy and dignity with which you walked along side your Mother on her journey. I will look forward to Oma’s Party. Please let me know what I may bring. You and Oma were a great inspiration and source of encouragement when I started the business. You knew that I could do it and it has grown and is now taking care of me and John and allowing me the free time to take care of my parents. I have a debt of gratitude to you both. I still have a pillow that Oma gave me years ago. It has been on my bed and will stay there. My love to you both. Get rested. Love, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lieber Thomas, danke für Dein Mail. Es bestätigt das, was ich am Mittwoch schon geahnt habe, denn Oma hat sich bei mir schon verabschiedet. Oma hat mir damals ein Bild geschenkt von Michelangelo"die Erschaffung des Adams". Dieses Bild hängt seither bei mir im Aufgang zur Praxis. Am Mittwoch sind mein Vater, mein Sohn Imanuel und ich schön hintereinander die Treppen hoch gelaufen in die Praxis. Ich komme am Bild vorbei, da falle ich regelrecht gegen das Bild. Das Bild polltert die Treppen hinunter und bleibt unten unbeschadet liegen. Ich sage noch zu meinem Vater, da ich es mir nicht erklären konnte, was mich da genau an dieser Stelle so regelrecht umgeworfen hat, dass es mich nicht wundern würde, wenn das ein Zeichen von Oma wäre, dass sie nun auf dem Weg ins Licht ist. Ich habe mich sehr verbunden gefühlt mit ihr an diesem Tag. Nun habe ich auch die konkrete Bestätigung, dass das ein letzter Gruß von ihr war. Ich freue mich für sie, dass sie es geschafft hat. Danke, dass Du ihr ein so liebevoller und wichtiger Begleiter warst in ihrer letzten Zeit auf Erden, die vom Körperlichen her gesehen wahrlich nicht einfach gewesen war. Dir wünsche ich viel Licht und Verbundenheit im Licht mit OMA. Liebe Grüße Ute Danke für die Einladung. Ich trage gerne an diesem Tag weiß und bin in Gedanken mit euch verbunden. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How beautiful. What words, what life. See you! Farhad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy! I have been telling everyone this week that I had the most magnificent dream this past week. I awoke full of joy and hope - Although I am a very positive person, a feeling like THIS has not happened in a few years. Now I know that this little miracle in my life specifically coincided with Oma releasing her light to the planet. Thank you Oma for the day of beauty and joy as you shed your light in blessing - the ultimate gift - to give one's life for a friend You have many friends here below. Peace and love to you and your family. Martha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Sweetie. (Birgit) Thank you for telling me this news. I am glad to hear that you are holding up, and I know what a tremendous relief it is for you and all of your family that Oma has dropped her body after such an exhausting struggle. I also know how stark the reality is, though, of the painful loss that you are facing. I don't think it is ever possible to understand how hard it is to lose a parent; it doesn't matter that it is inevitable, it doesn't matter that the suffering is over: it hurts to say goodbye to the physical presence of someone who is so pivotal in our lives. My thoughts and good wishes are with you and Phil and your siblings . . . Please do not hesitate to tell me if there is anything I can do for you. I Love You. Grace
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Birgit, Hi! Today, Terry Canady told me the news of Oma's passing. I wanted to tell you how much I respect your mom and enjoyed seeing the website of all her family and friends who were around her. Now she's got a whole new world to heal and help. It was great to see your band website and see you playing the accordion. I'd love to hear you guys. Do you have CDs. I'm working as a recording engineer in St Paul. Still playing drums. Right now I'm playing with a 16 piece Swing Band. It's a lot of fun, though I miss all that great Austrian and German accordion music!! Best regards, Kerry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Laura Lynn, It's just now that I learn of Oma's departure. I can't help but feel a little sad, only because I think it's too soon for her soul to be gone - but... it was her time to go. I'm happy she's feeling no pain, she doesn't have to be "watched" she doesn't have to be monitored. She's a free spirit, feeling nothing but joy, and being able to "fly" and experience new beginnings. My love to Thomas and his family. Oma brought all of them closer together, which was her attempt all along I bet. They have all learned so much together. Something they will all cherish - forever. Now is also the time for you and Thomas to grow together as well. You no longer have obstacles separating the two of you. My love to the two of you as well. I'm thankful I got a chance to meet this wonderful lady and to experience one of her "healing" hugs when I was going through a tough time of it. Her advise of foot massage in the areas of where my illness has worked magic and helped me to heal much faster. I will forever be grateful! Take care, let me know when's a good time to get together. My love always, Terri Lynn xo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Tom. It was wonderful to know Angel Oma on earth and to have benefited from her goodness. It is a blessing to know now she is our messenger in heaven. May God continue to give you and your family comfort and peace. Love, Maria -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Thomas, I knew your mother very well. I was at Camelot, working very closely with Mother Caspari. I spent a great deal of time with her and was often present when your mother came. She used to give me foot treatments while I was pregnant with my middle daughter (Mother Caspari's god-daughter, Lydia.) I visited her a number of times at her house in Glendale. (m recall her bell to call to the elementals.) When Mother Caspari was in Murietta, CA, I was there also, and your mother came and helped her survive a very serious illness. She worked on her feet during one particular night when the doctors said she would not survive. She did, and attributed it to our prayers and your mother's magic touch. Mother Caspari always looked forward to your mother's visits in Montana so very much. I used to live on Salt Spring Island before my Camelot days, so I send you my love and my best regards as I can visualize a little bit the beauty you live in. God has so richly blessed you and your siblings with a mother like Oma. She talked so much about you in particular in the years I knew her. I too was so blessed to have known her. I will miss her. Mary Ellen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas, This is such a beautiful way to honor a loved one. It represents a lot of work and love and strength. Thank you so much for sharing this loving site with Oma/Margarete's old Camelot friends. Margarete is familiar to me from all the Camelot conferences and I'm quite sure I spoke with her since I attended nearly all the California conferences (from Oct. '74) while living in Sacto. and SF. We shared something so wonderful -- very special times. I will look at more photos as time permits and make calls for her. She was kind and special and devoted... I'm sure she's flying free. God bless your entire beautiful
family, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Thomas. Thanks for your message regarding your mother's passing. I knew your mother and sister Birgit when I lived in Los Angeles back in the late 70's. I met them through her church. I had not seen either of them for over 20 years and had lost all touch. I remember them as being bright and cheerful. At that time Birgit was deciding what path she wanted to take in life. Please send her my regards. I have prayed for your mother this past week and I feel like she is in a really good place. Warmest regards Thomas to you and your family! Rev. David Drye Church Universal and Triumphant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We give thanks for the life of Oma Teuwen – “May flights of angels sing
her to her rest.” Blessings and peace to you. Mother Nancy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I wanted to share with you that I am so glad that I was a part of this experience with Oma - so much learning and sharing and caring went on! And, I will carry sooooo many wonderful memories of all of our times together. I am going over to the cottage on Monday (float plane out of Victoria to Seattle!) to spend a week with Thomas there. It is almost 3 months since we last saw each other... of course we were continually together in heart and soul, but still... ;-) We are so looking forward to "being" together and sharing more about the whole experience - there is only so much that can be said in our phone conversations and emails. My hope for you all is that the love, peace, and happiness that is within you, expands even more with the love you have for and from Oma. With Love & Light, Laura
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo, lange habe ich überlegt was ich euch schreiben kann. In meinen Gedanken kam immer nur die Antwort: Alles ist gut. Ein Lächeln und ein zufriedenes Seufzen. Alles Liebe für euch alle Gabi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for sharing some of the experience, Brigit; your mother was truly blessed to have such loving family caring for her in her home. I'm sad for your loss, but happy that her struggle with the pain of cancer is over. It sounds like she was at peace at the end. Of course this brings back memories for me, both sweet and painful, of my father's last days. I'm sorry that you and you family had to go through it, but it is good that you could be together. Have a wonderful trip; I hope you can relax a little, knowing that your mother is resting free from pain! Love, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaby, though we don't know each other well, I hope you will allow me to express my (belated) condolences on the passing of your mother. I know that you must be grieved by the hole her passing has left in your life, and I pray that time and hope and God will fill and finish it for you, leaving behind a pleasant window through which to view your memories of her. God keep you all. Warm regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gaby: My thoughts are with you....and my prayers for your family. Please know that I was very touched by the wonderful journal your family kept....how lucky your mother was to have such a family. How lucky you were to have her. I send my prayers. Pam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Your mother was a dear friend. We are so sorry at her passing. She contributed a great deal to the field of reflexology. She most definitely is considered by ourselves and many others as a pioneer in the field. Our thoughts are with your family. All the best, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------