The Pituitary Gland

Some scientists have estimated that there are some fifty thousand nerve fibers going to the pituitary. Imagine this many wires going from this great glandular transistor to assist in keeping the constant flow of the many chemical messengers to the other parts of the body. This piece of unobstrusive tissue is situated in one of the most protected areas of the body. It sits in a bony depression called Sella Tursica, this means Turkish saddle, because it looks like it we understand now that Secretion from our glands are directly cast into our bloodstream and have the tendency to renew the life and vigor of the body. In the absence of one of these secretions the blood becomes unbalanced. The pituitary body produces secretions of various kinds. One secretion has much to do with the regulation of blood pressure, helps to renew veins that have been destroyed by a tubercular condition.

Another secretion increases the fluid to the spinal cord the action of which has already been explained. The same secretion increases the action of the urine (system) and increases the secretion of the mammary glands when they are active. A third secretion has a stimulating effect on the tissue of the smooth muscles of the body, especially upon uterine muscle, causing contraction and is essential to the muscles of the bladder and reproductive organs. The pituitary also secrets a substance which has much to do with the thyroid and adrenal glands and the regulation of the growth of the skeleton.

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