Testimonials "Oma's class in Reflexology was truly a meditation on healing. She is certainly countering the mass understanding of Reflexology as just another technique for releasing blocks. I left feeling this service to be a method of bringing spiritual energy into the physical body to implement God's healing. It is with Sanctity that a Reflexology treatment should be given. I am grateful for this experience and training." Brenda Wares Mosher DC, Spring 1985
"Having worked with Reflexology on my family and friends over the last several years, I was really impressed in this class and how the mechanic approach was transcended with more practical spiritual truth, principles, invocations and visualizations then at any course I've ever received in the healing arts. Being a health researcher who has worked with many different disciplines of wholeness, I now see how and why Foot Reflexology should be the foundation of a Natural Healing Art Program, just as the feet are the foundation of the body. I look forward to integrating these disciplines into a whole health program that I've been developing for doctors and other health professionals who finally are open to the most comprehensive health service they can find for their patients." Christopher Rudy, Spring 1985
"My meeting you was both serendipitous and synchronistic. I feel blessed to have met you and to have been treated by you. Your treatments have been an important factor in my life, not only helping to reduce the stress in my life but they have also helped to alleviate another source of anguish in my life - the headaches. I look forward to my treatments as a gift I give myself, helping to heal both my body and spirit. For that I thank you. Ingrid Margolin
Connie Matanky I spend 3 days in the hospital under morphine because of intense pain. A fairly large stone was stuck in the urethra tube. I was told that there is no hope to get rid of the stone other than surgery. When I was home for a day to prepare my wife, who was expecting a child very soon, I was referred by Mrs. Matheson from Full O Life Healthfood Store in Burbank to the Reflexology Center to see Oma. Having been in unbearable pain for days I was ready to try anything, although I was sceptical at first. How could massaging and manipulating points in the feet cause a kidney stone that seemed too large for the small passage of the urethra tube, to be released? I did not believe that. But I looked for comfort and relaxation. The reflexology session with Oma gave me much comfort. My body and I were so relaxed that I did not have any pain during the whole session. The pain returned when I came home, but shortly after I passed the stone when urinating. I AM very grateful now and so is my wife I do not need surgery now. I am back to work. Jason Rubins Sept.89
Dear Oma I am writing you this letter because I want you to know how much your Reflexology Treatments have helped me. As you know I have a thyroid condition causing a lack of energy for quite some time. After the first s series of sessions I started to get my energy back and am now really feeling very well. After the third time in your office even my eyesight started to improve. I AM very near sighted. What a ice surprise to find myself needing my glasses less and less. Please share this letter with others and let everyone know what a valuable tool to total relaxation and over all improvement Reflexology really is. PS and be sure to tell people my husband is a MD and he also feels that it is wonderful how much better I am since I came to you (Reflexology) Mrs. Maggi Levis, April 1988
I want to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done to help me to be stronger than my heart condition from the 'heaven sent' treatments you give to the hope inspired guidance you convey through your simple statements, you have positively changed my life. I don't know what I would do without you or reflexology. I notice and feel a significant 'negative' difference in my life when reflexology is not present. It was equally wonderful of my physician to give her consent and allow me to have reflexology treatments while I was hospitalised. I was very happy to see a doctor of medicine give her permission to allow reflexology to work hand in hand with the more traditional forms of medical healing. Thank you once again, for aiding me in my recovery from my hospitalisation. Reflexology has truly been a benefit to my life. With the deepest of gratitude..MJS Margret Jeninfer Savoia
I had suffered from chronic diarrhea for a period of three years. I visited several doctors for this condition but was not helped on a permanent basis. After the fourth session of Reflexology with Oma my condition started to significantly improve. After ten weeks of treatments 2 times a week I have no recurrence of diarrhea I consider the condition to be totally under control I feel more relaxed, and I am able to relax. I am in a extreme stressful profession. Also I have noticed an improvement in vitality as well as an improvement with the PMS I used to experience. I can not believe that it is gone, but it is. I am truly amazed with the results of Reflexology. Constance Norman, Burbank Business executive and Singer April 1988
I had allergies, severe stress, bloading, edema, flatulence, much pain and agony due to intestinal tract problems I was for 10 years under medical observation and care. But I could not take any medication or vitamins and there was little I could tolerate as far as food was concerned As I said I have spend 10 years seeking help, I have even taken homeopathic remedies. I was tense and had difficulty moving, everything was an effort.I was a real basket case.One day I saw Oma's card in Dr. Matson's office. I went to see her, she was not excited having me but I told her I have no where else to go, I tried everything. After Foot Reflexology sessions with Oma for many month I can say this: "I never was a good tennis player, now I am good. I have a noticeable increased energy level. Someone asked me recently if I had a facelift. I am stable and feel good. My worse times now are 100 times better than my good times used to be.I am more relaxed, I can relax. I am a new person. I have returned to school and have taken up nutrition. I have a B.A. in Political Science and am working on a Master in Bio Nutrition...." PS Mrs. Moorstein has now FR sessions about every 2 month to maintain her good level of energy and stay in harmony and baslance. Sylvia Moorstein March 1985
Before I go on vacation to Holland I like to give this statement with grateful heart: I was diagnosed in Holland with candida albicans, Epstein Banvians, hypoglyxemia and was treated for malignant melanoma in August of 1988. I cam to Los Angeles from Holland to find better treatment as was available at that time in my homeland. My physician is Dr. Luc De Schepper M.D. in Santa Monica CA. He has been treating me for the last 16 month He noticed a marked improvement in my condition by the time I started my second series of 6 treatments in the Oma Method of Reflexology. He encouraged me to keep going to Oma since he felt I was benefiting from her method from this form of Reflexology. He found that my body mind and spirit were balancing and life force was much stronger after each session with Oma. I have taken two series of six reflexology sessions each, starting December 1989. Dr. Schepper feels that my condition is now under control. All tests from, UCLA show no abnormalities and are clean. The Doctor and I feel that Oma's Method was greatly instrumental in my healing process. This letter may be used for the benefit of others in need in the future. Thank you for standing behind me with your helping heart and hand. Hetty Hall, April 30.1990
I want to thank you in writing for helping me through the reflexology treatments to recover my health and to feel well again. A year ago I had a very bad pain in my right side by my waist, front and back. Many different medical tests were run finally it was said that I had a very large cyst on my right ovary, immediate surgery was recommended. I decided to putt off surgery for a few month to get stronger . During that time I had weekly reflexology sessions with Oma. After 6 month I had another ovary sonogram and the cyst had completely disappeared. the pain in my right side is getting lesser and lesser. I now have a lot more energy than before and I know that Reflexology treatments have helped my body to recover and heal. Clementine Jarrin, Burbank March 1991
My reflexology Sessions with Oma have restored my energy. My bronchial cough of many many years is completely gone, as is my nasal condition and wheezing. I highly recommend this sessions. Henrietta Rasch, Restaurant Owner Los Angeles January 1988
The first time I came to you back in January I could hardly walk. My husband had to practically carry me into your office. After one session I was able to get up from the chair and walk by myself to the car. I was as amazed as was my husband who was very sceptical in regards to this reflexology approach. We are both very impressed with Reflexology and I feel it is very important for post-operative care. I have come for sessions for approximately four month once a week and have seen a tremendous improvement in my overall health. Thank goodness I found you, or should I say my dear friend Sandy Gooch found you and introduced me to you and Reflexology All good wishes for continued success in helping people and hoping that some day soon, reflexology will be a part of our overall health care. Betty Jensen Ansalone May 1987
From the list of Reflexologists from the International Reflexology Association I have chosen Mrs. Margarete Teuwen and I am well pleased and happy that I did find her. I am 79 years of age and was taking Chemo Therapy. Now I am feeling much better all over, my kidneys seem to work better, my whole system is more in balance and I can sleep better. My sister, past 90, a retired Chiropractor is also taking treatments from Oma and is very pleased. Already after two treatments her knees are so much better, she can walk up to the sun deck, steps higher than normal. We thank you. Anna M. Van Berckelaer.......1986
"...I was plagued by sleeplessness, fatigue. I was terrible nervous and so keyed up that I was unable to relax. Due to problems with my bladder and my kidneys I had to get up to eight times at night. When I told my Physician that I was abnormally tired and nervous he told me that everybody at my Age (70) was tired and that I just should go to bed early and get plenty of sleep. No attention was given to my real condition. Already after the first Reflexology session with Oma I felt ever so good and relaxed. Now I can sleep so much better at night and I only have to get up about three times. I AM also able to relax better during the day which helps me in every way. I have much more energy. I am so grateful to have found Reflexology and Oma. Doris Ritzi Dec,1991 Mrs. Ritzi was a lifetime Executive at the Swiss Consulate.
Hi Oma! You never gave me a treatment but one of the people you trained did. Those were the most wonderful, relaxing moments I remember. You have taught your students well! This was many years ago at Camelot but the memory of the experience is still very clear. Thank you again and God bless you! Barbara Stucky Barbara Stucky Aug. 1999
Let this be a testimonial to Oma's mastery of reflexology. First, Oma's heart is in the right place. She is totally focused on you and the now. While you are soaking your feet in fragrant and soothing water, you are exchanging pleasantries, but she is really listening to how and where she can best gift you. She applies precious essences of oil as an important part of her treatment. She uses only quality essences and oils, and will not settle for less. There is always beautiful and relaxing music in the background. When she gives you a treatment, you know that a healing is taking place. Sometimes she does a quiet mediation with your feet, and carresses them as if she were annointing the feet of Jesus. For beginners, she lovingly explains what reflexology is, and what she is doing along the way. As a regular client, I got spoiled. If I needed to talk about an issue, she was open and understanding, and knew exactly where to go to work on my feet for release. Oma is never intrusive. It was natural to just open up to her, because I felt safe and loved. The bottom line is that Oma is a master of reflexology and life. Anyone who is privileged to be a client/patient of hers will be so gifted. Anyone fortunate to study with her, will also uplift the planet, for that is what her work is about -- Leonie Jones July 1999
For those of you who have not yet met Oma, you have a remarkable experience in store. For those of you who live near her and work with her regularly, you have a remarkable blessing in your lives!! I've just had the chance to visit Oma after many years' absence from California, and have thought of her every day since our visit. She is truly a remarkable gift to all who have the opportunity to work with her. Lucretia Weems January 1999 Passing along Pacific noticed a sign REFLEXOLOGY CENTER, stopped to get Tel.#. Called, got answering service. in a few days got a call, much to my joy, started treatments. Almost lifelong, you can say chronic Constipation completely gone, I am as regular as one can be, generally a good feeling all over, much more energy, better outlook. Just so fortunate to have Oma and her wonderful magic touch." If we had known this earlier my husband would not have to spend this miserable 8 years in a rest home now, using up our life savings." Frances Russel / 74 years young
I want to tell you about the wonderful results I am having due to your work with me. I had seen various doctors because of arthritis and water retention. All said the same: Take aspirin. A nutritionist friend suggested that I come to you, a reflexologist as an alternative method of helping my condition. Tension is gone, I am relaxed and sleep much better I sleep soundly and have wonderful dreams. The water retention has abated after each treatment and it is a great relief to be able to type this letter without my fingers hurting. Reflexology is truly a miracle from God and to think that we had it around all that time. I am thankful that I discovered its great benefits and that I found you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me. Ingrid Figger / Los Angeles Ca
I have been coming to the Oma Reflexology Center for over 2 years. When I first came I had a severe disorder of constipation and Digestive trouble. I always had to take laxatives, even as a child. I now have my regular bowl movements every day without taking anything at all. I also had respiratory weakness. It seemed I could not get enough air. All this has also passed, I feel free, have much more energy and feel wonderful and happy, My friends are wondering. Betty Raff / LosAngeles
Oma Where do I begin letting you know how much you have influenced me and my life. Ever since I met you my outlook on so many things has changed and has made me the person I have strived to be. But Oma, without your guidance and knowledge I would still be in the same place. You taught me that true love means to forgive and I am grateful for that.The technology of reflexology has improved so many of my bodily weaknesses. It has reduced my stress, my digestive system has improved tremendously, my anxiety attacks have vanished, I have no hot-flashes anymore and my doctor said that my body produces his own oestrogen again. Your treatments are helpful to my physical and mental being. I look forward coming to you on Saturday, I feel like a child waiting for Santa Claus, I find complete peace in your place filled with music that comes from Heaven, the wonderful aroma of your oils bring me close to Nature. God bless you always Oma, Your wise words will always endure in me. You have a special gift of caring, loving and believing in God and others. You are an inspiration in my Life I will always love you and always remember what you have taught me. Oma, I want you to know also, that if you ever need anything or anyone, please call me, I want to be your friend. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart and please don't ever leave me. Linda Venneri / Burbank, Ca./ March 12, 1991
Oma, These few words only convey a small amount of my feelings towards you and all that you have shared with me. It has changed my life, my views and I am very grateful for it all. God bless you REAL GOD. Kate Sievers, R.N./ Staff of Oma's Reflexology Center / Dec. 1990
When I first came to Margarete at the Reflexology Center in Glendale, in 1985, I had chronic yeast infections, which were ruining my life. My immune system was so run down from the infections and all the drugs and medications I received during the years, that my body did not have the strength to fight it off. I also caught colds and other ailments easily, because I was so run down. Many things I did eat seemed to make the infections worse. Life was no fun anymore at all. Getting Reflexology from Oma Margarete built up my body's natural strength and soon I was going longer periods of time without infections, until I stopped getting them altogether. I come for reflexology once a week and I keep watching my diet a little and I have not had an infection for two and a half years. I can eat just about anything I like, (though I stick mostly to a healthy diet) and my body is now stronger and can fight off other illnesses as well. I have not had a cold or flu or anything else in the last 1 1/2 years. And before I forget, my PMS is also under complete control without any medication. My profession as a writer of children programs for TV and childrens books requires travelling and is at times very stressful. During extended travelling periods, when I have to go without Reflexology I would feel sick, coming back I could tell an immediate difference. My body started healing itself and I was back to work in a few days. In my opinion Reflexology of the feet is the most powerful, preventative measure, one can have to insure good health. Some people take massages, I take Reflexology and get more than I bargain for. Another Case in point, I had two root canals and the dentist was so sure I had infections, he wanted me to take antibiotics. But my body fought off the dental infections on its own without antibiotics. In to day's stressful Society I recommend a healthy diet, exercise and foot reflexology to keep everyone in robust health. ( Besides it's lots of fun and you get to hang around with Margarete.) I thank God for leading me to Oma and her reflexology Center. Patsi Cameron-Naugle / Burbank / 5.9.88 (March 12, 1991 Meanwhile Patsi has received an Emmy Award and said, half of it belongs to our work, because without she would have never made it.)
I had lost my hearing, I have a list of 3o - 4o people to prove it. there was dizziness for years. I had worked the railroad, I played tennis and was in great shape. In Summer 84 I began to have dizzy spells, they got worse and worse Called a Dr. Mark........Called St. Josephs Hospital for an ear doctor, felt tenseness coming on, was sweating and threw up. Called eye Doctor. Went through Prevention Magazine, remembered foot reflexology article; Got Oma's Name and Address through the yellow pages; set up appointment, Got better after just a few visits, Now back on the tennis courts, found my hearing and found an angel who practices foot reflexology, thank you. Bob Slavik / Burbank / Age 75 / Feb.27 1985
I was suffering from chronic bronchitis for many years and also had severe bowl disorders, low energy and circulatory problems. I was also experiencing incredible tension with all the related side effects after an accident many years ago.. While we were living in America Samora I met with a missionary from the Philippines who treated me for a stiff neck with reflexology. He told me, that one of the requirements to go as a missionary in remote poor areas was to study and be educated in reflexology to be able to teach people to help themselves and also of course to help them when doctors and medication was not available or affordable. Since I came back to California I was looking for a Reflexologist and I am happy to say that with the Help of the Blessed Mother I was led to find Oma and her Reflexology Center. After 8 sessions I can say, that my condition has greatly improved. The tightness in my chest, which sometimes created a panic in me, is totally gone I hardly couch anymore, I have more energy, I am less irritable, I am relaxed, I sleep better and my digestive system seems to come in order. We still have a little ways to go, but I am confident, that I will be well and my old self again. I have children and grandchildren and a very active wonderful husband, who now does not need to worry about me anymore and I can take up some activities with my family which I could not do for a long time and even can help my daughters with my grandchildren. Thank God for Reflexology and for Oma. I have already recommended this sessions to my daughters and they have told their friends, my daughters boss is now also helped with her stressful life and hypertension. Julie De La Torre / 1990
Company, Clubs, and Doctors comments..... We at Pola want to thank you for the wonderfully informative and enjoyable lecture-demonstration you gave on "Foot Reflexology" last week. Because of you, our monthly " Unit Directors" meeting was a great success. The Ladies enjoyed your presentation, personal comments and attention so much that they have all called to tell us so. They want you back again soon The staff at Pola feels the same way and we are looking forward to arranging another meeting in the near future. Thank you again for sharing your warmth and expertise Pola USA Inc. Sept. 1980
On behalf of myself and all the ones attending the seminar you presented this week in Sydney, and many of our customers who want to attend the next seminar, I like to express our thanks for bringing your wonderful message of Love through Reflexology. You have shown a new approach to Natural Healing and some wonderful home remedies to consider as we are developing a more holistic way of life......I believe that the knowledge you have shared with us will have a great effect on everyone's lifestyle. Thank you once again, Oma, for your information concerning health and our self healing abilities. As we put into practice your healing methods, we anxiously await your return. Love and Peace, Louise White Nana's Natural Food. Sydney Nana's Natural Foods, Sydney October 1994
Thank you for your presentation on reflexology to the December Meeting of the Vision Support Group The discussion, the video tape and the demonstration were very informative and helpful to members of the Group. The members were open to the new ideas and many members will come to the workshops in your Center..........Again, thank you very much for sharing your time and expertise with us. The group was very impressed and very appreciative of the service you provide.I have made copies from your hand- out papers and passed them out to my friends and patients. Best Wishes for 1995, Susan Lapham, Vision Support Group Facilitator Vision Support Group St. Joseph's Medical Center, Burbank Jan.1995
Dear Mrs. Teuwen After Mr. Weissenburger received multiple reflexology treatments by you, I have noticed a significant increase in the flexibility of his spinal biomechanics. This increase of his spinal flexibility has enabled me to manipulate him with greater ease, which, again, is attributed to your fine work... Pete J. Changaris D.C. F.A.C.O. Inc. March 94
Thank you for your most informative presentation on Foot Reflexology. Our residents are commenting on the various aspects of your lecture and demonstration which are most meaningful to them. We appreciate your interest in the welfare of our residents and wish you success in your various endeavors. Casa Glendale / Residence For Active Elders / Sept. 87