You can scroll down and you read more of my musings if you like.
--- A couple of days later ---
Well I have nothing new to report on the physical front. The medication works sometimes and sometimes not. I am trying to give her enough to keep her comfortable without constipating her too much. Its a continuous balancing act. There are struggles and sleepless nights interspersed by little fun moments like the little ritual that we have developed when I pull up her pants after she goes potty. I kneel in front of her and tell her to hold on to my head for balance. Then while I pull up her pants she in turn gives me a kiss on the forehead.
I do have some spiritual news though I want to share. A few days ago while cleaning up in mother's room, a picture of Joseph fell into my hands. When I showed it to mother her face lit up with joy and immediately she wanted to contact him. So, to Joseph's amazement they connected by telephone. They didn't talk much but after they hung up mother said she wanted to talk longer but was once again breathless and maybe we could call him again when she felt better.
So yesterday, taking the opportunity when the meds were working just so, I called Joseph back. After they had a good long talk mother gave the phone to me and Joseph explained why he was so amazed. It had happened to him twice before with friends that were preparing for their transition and now it was happening with Oma. A few days ago he started to have vivid even lucid dreams of being with Oma in another life stream. They were working together and talking with Jesus about transitioning and such. He said that this is how it went with his other two friends. As they got closer to the time of departure from this plane they would meet him on the other side more and more. Then once they were comfortable with the notion of alternate life streams where they were re-united with family and friends they would finally be prepared to let go.
This gave mother a much better understanding of the repeating, lucid dreams she has had recently where she finds herself caring for her baby, cooking and sharing wonderful moments with her mother. It has been a rich time of exploration and today again she had many questions and there was much discussion. She asked me to repeat over and over what Joseph said and wondered if others know about this process because it was only recently that she learned about the other life streams and how to visit them.
Tonight just before dinner she asked why its so hard to leave this body. She is so ready to let go. So I told her about what Tom taught me in Oregon and how we are hard-wired for survival. But I found myself putting it in terms that mother could understand and in so doing realized that I was sharing a profound truth. I told her that she needs to thank her body elemental for the wonderful job she has done over the years to heal her and rehabilitate her after life has knocked her to her knees. Then, after expressing her appreciation, it was time to let her body elemental go, to release her from her duties and set her free to re-join mother's life force in another place, another time. "I believe that" was mother's only response as she closed her eyes once more.
I know this is very personal. Maybe too personal for some of you. But it is mother's being to explore these things and to experience them in the spiritual. I am blessed to understand her paradigm and to share some of her perspectives. She is blessed that I take them seriously and don't call her crazy. She has thanked me for that many times.
On a beam of light, Thomas
foot-note: Joseph had a suggestion for me as well. He said that mother, like most mothers I suppose, took on a lot of responsibility for me in this life. He suggested that if I release her from this responsibility by calling to her higher self, thanking her for her support and taking back that thread to carry it myself it will make her transition more peaceful. It made sense to me so last night before I went to sleep I did just that. I released her from her role as my mother so that she can be free to travel the cosmos and fulfill her dreams