Laura and I sleep on the floor, at the foot of
Oma's bed. So Laura was directly a part of the nightly rituals of caring for
mother. We joked and laughed a lot and bathed in mothers wonderful sense of
humor. At one point as we both were tucking her in yet one more time mother said
to me, "make sure you take good care of my Laura".
Then at a later date she told me that she is so glad that Laura is in our lives, now she
does not have to worry about me anymore. When it came time to bring Laura to the
ferry on Sunday afternoon mother insisted on coming along. Once again we put her
in her wheelchair and she was able to waive goodbye as Laura's ferry steamed out
of the harbor.
Birgit and Phillip also had their special time with
mother this weekend. Mother told them many times how grateful she was that they
came. Birgit spent some time on Sunday Night doing decrees in mother's bedroom
and mother was thrilled. In her words (with a big smile), "I thought Birgit had
forgotten everything
she learned at the summit!! But she hasn't!! She knows so many decrees!" Then
when Birgit and Phillip got up real early because they had to leave at 6am
on Monday morning to catch the ferry back to Seattle, mother seized the moment
when we were all gathered together for a good bye. She said: "Phillip, do you
know that in Birgit you have a very beautiful wife?" and then, "Birgit, do
you know that Phillip is a very beautiful husband?" She wanted them both to know
not only how special they are but that they truly are meant for each
everyone was gone we spent most of Monday catching up on sleep. In the afternoon
the sun came out and we found ourselves sitting under the plum tree in our
garden. Things are quieter now, so we have time to do the spiritual work, the
meditations and prayers to prepare for the transition whenever it comes. It is
such a precious time and Joseph has been a grand
inspiration, helping me to connect with mother's
higher self, her I AM
presence, confirming that all is the way it was intended to be. The whole
experience serves to re-enforce the knowing that has already been present.
Mother's travels are frequent and vivid and last night I visited two separate
worlds where I was with her.
In Love and Light