For the past 36 hours, since midnight on Saturday night mother has been sleeping peacefully. When I awoke Sunday morning she was gurgling while she slept. Unlike the dry mouth that she experienced up to this time, phlegm had accumulated in her throat. She did not seem to be bothered by this gurgling although once in a while she would cough lightly to clear it a bit. She has been doing this pretty steady every 10 to 20 minutes but it has never really awoken her. Her eyes open for just a moment and then close again in peaceful sleep. There is no sign of struggle or discomfort at all, no moaning, not even a furrowed brow.
When I lean over her and smile at her during that brief moment while her eyes are open she looks just above my head instead of into my eyes. Then she closes her eyes without any further acknowledgement of my presence. At first I focused my attention on her exclusively and from time to time would lay with her. I wanted to be sure that she did not feel alone. The first time I did she held my hand lightly instead of the firm grip that she used to apply. The last two times her hands did not respond to mine at all.
Another new development. Her hands seem to be swollen. On Saturday we managed to have a shower because suddenly she was unusually stable on her feet and I thought I would take that opportunity to get her cleaned up and change her bedclothes and linen. While in the shower I noticed that her right arm, the one that has pained her so, had atrophied much more severely than her left arm. It was skin and bones just like her hands at the time. Now as she continues to lay quite motionless her fingers, semi-folded on her chest have swollen visibly.
As long as Oma remains comfortable I have chosen not to interfere with the process that she is going through. I have attempted to offer a little water via the eye dropper but she has been unresponsive and her mouth has remained shut. I will continue to remain constantly by her side, ready to administer any assistance to keep her comfortable but will not intervene in any way. I have turned the phone ringers off so I will not hear phone calls and have insured in every way that the energy field here is not disturbed. Her music is playing and her flowers are blooming by her bedside. Legions of angels are also by her side I am certain.
On a beam of light